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Sunday, December 11, 2016

That's a Wrap - Leadership and Media Strategies

    As they say in show biz, "That's a wrap!"  This graduate course in Leadership and Media Strategies is quickly coming to a close.  For this blog, I'm not saying goodbye, I'm just taking a holiday pause. I'll be returning next term with another course taught by Dr. Padgett, Communication 6630, Strategic Communications and Emerging Media.  If I understand correctly that class will also require a weekly professional blog entry, thankfully I've gotten a little bit of experience with that.  Our terms, here at Troy University, are a condensed nine week online format and I can tell you we really move through some "absolutely fabulous" content. I'm most definitely looking forward to next term.  But lest I put the proverbial cart before the horse let's recap some of the content from this term in Leadership and Media Strategies.
     I really wish I could succinctly summarize this entire term into an eloquent, inspiring, single sentence communication strategy mantra of sorts.  I know something is out there, in me, I just haven't wrapped my head around it yet.  But I can say, without doubt, this has been one very insightful and motivating graduate course.  If someone were only allowed to take one graduate class I would strongly suggest this one be considered.  The relevancy of the media strategies considered, the in-depth look into leadership and vision, stripping down and clarifying considerations for communication skills, these all were integral to better understanding the vision/desired outcomes for this course.
     In the beginning when we were introduced to Roger's Diffusion of Innovation theory little did I know how much that theory was completely woven throughout this course.  When this theory, as a lens, is applied to covered concepts like leadership vision, crisis communication strategies, and personal/professional media strategies it is clear that the "innovation" is dependent on opinion leaders to carry the process through to the tipping point of the critical mass.  Sinek's TedTalk on getting to the why, which was referenced in earlier blogs, is exactly what needs to be addressed (communicated effectively) to those opinion leaders.
     If I had to pick my most favorite segment of this course I would pause to reflect, and then answer without doubt it was leadership and vision.  I've started reading and subscribing to a few blogs all about leadership these days.  In a recent search I came across "The Top 100 Socially-Shared Leadership Blogs of 2015" and I'd like to share a bit from those who year-to-year consistently sit in the top 1 & 2 spots.  In the 2nd spot, with far-and-away the most LinkedIn shares, is "Leadership Freak - Empowering Leaders 300 Words at a Time."  Dan Rockwell, the blog's author, is self-proclaimed as "freakishly interested in leadership."  His daily updates are indeed brief, but man are they powerful.  I guess it's true about good things coming in small packages.  Just this week, one of my favorites was a blog on the importance of valuing others. Here, directly from "Leadership Freak...":

               7 Cost Free Ways to Make People Feel Valued:
                      Simple behaviors have a profound impact.

1. Reflect on the qualities and behaviors you admire about the person speaking to you.  (don't forget to listen while you do this.)

2. Go to people.  Don't expect them to always come to you.

3.  Jot notes when others talk.  Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, is a voracious note taker.

4.  Aplogize, even it isn't all your fault.  

5.  Relax.  Calmness of spirit tells others they matter.

6.  Ask, "What do you think?"  Good questions elevate the status of others.

7.  Walk around the office at the end of the day saying, 'thank you'.  Point out something they did well.   

     In the #1 spot was a blogger, among many other labels, with a self-titled "Brian Tracy Leadership".  Brian Tracy's blog was met with enormous success on Facebook, as evidenced by incredible counts of shares and likes.  One of his blogs that I particularly enjoyed was, "How to Improve Your People Skills with This One Quality."  He goes on to cover, in the below video clip (5 minutes in duration/well worth the watch), the 5 A's of charm are: Acceptance, Appreciation, Approval, Admiration, and Attention. He specifically says in his blog: 

"Charm is the ability to create extraordinary rapport with anyone, and make him or her feel truly exceptional in your presence.
You might think that you need to be born with charm, but although some people seem to come by it naturally, charm is something that you can learn.
No matter how skilled, smart, or experienced you may be, most of your ability to succeed at anything depends on your ability to win people over, to convince them, to charm them.
It is important to note that the deepest craving of human nature is the need to feel valued and valuable.
Therefore, the secret of charm and improving your people skills is to make others feel important."

     In reverence to Mr. Tracy's powerful social media presence and influence I'd like to end this course's blog with a quote from him on leadership: 

"Leaders never stop growing and developing. They have the capacity to keep themselves from falling into a comfort zone. They are lifelong students."

     To this I say onward, and I hope to see you next term! Thank you for being here, you indeed are valued, and as always...

Strategically Yours,


Center for Management and organization Effectiveness. (2015). "The Top 100 Socially-Shared Leadership Blogs of 2015".  Retrieved on 10 December 2016 from

Rockwell, D. (2016). Retrieved on 10 December 2016 from

Tracy, B. (2016). Retrieved on 10 December 2016 from

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